ABB Image Icon Converter is a powerful tool for converting images to icon.
** Support a lots of image formats:
- Windows animated cursor (ani)
- Windows Bitmap (bmp, dib, rle)
- Windows cursor (cur)
- Enhanced Metafile Format (emf)
- Graphics Interchange Format (gif)
- Icon Library (icl)
- Windows icon (ico)
- JPEG (jpg, jpeg, jpe)
- Portable Bitmap (pbm)
- Kodak PhotoCD (pcd)
- ZSoft Publisher Paintbrush (pcx)
- Portable Gray Map (pgm)
- Soft Image PIC (pic)
- Macintosh PICT (pct)
- Alias PIX (pix)
- Portable Network Graphics (png)
- Portable Pix Map (ppm)
- Adobe PhotoShop Document (psd)
- Sun Raster (ras)
- SGI Image Format (sgi)
- Targa TGA (tga)
- Tag Image File Format (tif, tiff)
- Windows Metafile Format (wmf)
- X bitmap (xbm)
- X pixmap (xpm)
** Create icon from screen capture.
** Supports any icon size 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 72x72, 96x96, 128x128
** Reads and writes Mono, 16 colors, 256 colors, TrueColor and 32bpp (XP-Style) icons ** Makes icon transparent.

Converts a lots of image formats to icon, create icon from screen capture.